They're failing and we will suffer - Unconvinced?
Here's just a handful...we pay. Not them.
Dave Kelly MLA wanted to Socialise the WA Rock Lobster Industry and would have wrecked the viability of the industry. Thankfully his plan was scutteled & he was moved on. Sadly he took on Water Ministry. So now it turns out under his watch WaterCorp has a process of "empathetic treatment" of bill defaulters. Its hitting many millions of dollars and who makes up the difference?
Rate rise for those who actually pay their bill. Those in arrears not pursued at all, they get free water.
Simone McGurk MLA is the Minister for Womens Interests. She is delivering a dangerous ideology through her protfolio that asserts women are those who were born as women or live as women. Womenhood is no longer a thing. In fact were Mike Tyson to decide to "live as a woman" he could compete in women's MMA Cage Fighting that the McGowan government brought to WA. A form of hard aggressive combat sport where their are no weight divisions. Seem fair?
Say goodbye to AFLW and other women's sports. If you have young girls with Olympic dreams, they're finished now.
Roger Cook MLA is the health minister. When he was opposition health spokesman he clearly & very rightly called out the then Barnett government for the appalling Ambulance Ramping disaster when it reached 1030 hours per month.
Under Roger's 4 years at the reins its got worse. The TEN WORST MONTHS EVER ARE THE LAST 10 MONTHS. At one point it was 1300hours in the first eight days. This month is set to be the biggest record of all time. Today is the 22nd of June, 7 days left in the month & its already over 3500 hours. Roger's response? He stopped the publishing of the Ramped Ambulance Hours. Thankfully St John's still do.
What else happens...WALabor set up an Upper House Committee to look into the delivery of Ambulance Services in WA but it will not include the causes of ramping but will look into the government taking over all the amubulance services.
Which brings us to...
Pierre Yang MLA will chair that committee and when approached by producers of 6PR's show hosted by Liam Bartlett told them he didn't understand why the public would want to hear him and he became unavailable for an interview.
What the hell?
But Pierre is part of the hard left faction. They like to have everything controlled and controlled only by them.
More proof of that is Pierre Yang is a follower & supporter of the debunked but dangerous ideology Intersectionality. That's a very big plank of Identity Politics, Cancel Culture & Social Disorder. He is also the politician who found he was "accidently" still a member of 2 club/groups with extensive Chinese links & thought to have links to the CCP or very supportive of CCP interests.

Sue Ellery MLC the Education minister. She was the one who wanted to close the School of the Air & announced it without consulting any SOTA staff, unions or parents. There were 2 northern Labor MPs (one was Kevin Michel) who not only wasn't consulted, he didn't learn about it until it hit the media. AND HE'S A MEMBER FROM THE PILBARA!!!
Then there was another cluster fluff from Sue Ellery. She wanted to close Moora Residential College.
Made stranger by the fac there was no use for the infrastructure once closed and would have cost more to dismantle it than repair it & keep it open. Thankfully funding from the federal government came through so the $5 BILLION PLUS COFFERS weren't touched, Moora was kept open, repairs were made and guess what...its fully booked with kids from remote areas that can't afford to be sent to private boarding schools. She promised locals she would visit once it opened and now doesn't remember saying that...but she's not going anyway methinks.
John Quigley MLA - The Attorney General. Rushed through legislation that effectively denies Cliver Palmer the ability to go to court & seek compensation whilst he has a deal with the State Government. In fact the Government can do anything with that mining deal & he can't go to court. He might want $30Billion or more but it would have to first, go to court. Second, court rules in Palmer's favour. Third, the court then decides IF compensation is required. Then decide how much. You don't write out an invoice and expect it to be paid.
Sadly, we have a government who decided to remove an Australian's citizen's right to use the court system to seek redress & justice. In this particular aspect he has no legal rights at all. Turns out a small group in the government and some advisers had been working on this bill for a month or more but opposition were not notified or brief by the Premier until John Quigley was on his feet in the lower house submitting the bill and pushing to rush it through.
It will end up in the highest court in the land and its possible, perhaps likely the court will strike the legislation down. It will be very costly and stupid.
Jackie Jarvis MLC - In the agenda section called MEMBERS STATEMENTS Jackie launched an attack on Barnaby Joyce. It was politically timed, WALabor is under immense pressure for failed much of the above and more (including the somewhat missing Gold Standard Accountibility). It was her first opportunity after Barnaby Joyce was elected Deputy Prime Minister. She made a claim under the protection of Parliamentary Privelege that re-ignited the allegations of Catherine Marriott of suffering sexaul harassment by Joyce. This is again re-raising allegations without any effort to seek a resolution but sadly to politically weaponise them without any regard for the accusser, the accused or due process.
The comments need to be made outside Parliament or a civil case launched at Mr Joyce for there to be any chance of an actual outcome. Without an outcome via due process bringing up the overhanging spectre of these allegations is tantamount to a smear.
Now this is the same Jackie Jarvis who was CEO of RRRW who held the prominent #USTOO Lunch event where the MC was controversial leftist Tracey Spicer and the guest speaker was Dr Rachel Skye Saunders who made the claim that "93% of women in Agricutlure had experienced Sexual Harassment" but strangely she only bothered to survey 14 women who worked in Agriculture. That is 14 out of a then 44,700 women who worked in Agriculture (*)
To read more on Dr Saunders "findings" there's a link (**)
Some might easily argue that the Hon Jackie Jarvis is either a bit of a fool, thinks we all are or is inclined to politically weaponise sexual harassment for the gain of her party. Prior to working for the RRRW that WALabor apparently part funded via a grant she worked as a Senior Staffer of Hon Alannah MacTiernan MLC & prior to that was a ALP candidate in a federal election. She is one of the ALP believers for sure & certain.
(**) - - Seriously Think for a minute: Is Agriculture A Serious Sexual Harassment/Assault Danger Zone?