With the rise of Nazis in more recent times we've also seen a rise in radical groups on the other side of the spectrum, the Antifa. Followers of Antifa declare themselves as the strong opposition of Fascism hence their name being a shortening of "Anti-Fascism".
But if we're to deal effectively with Nazi followers these days there's a number of things we need to do up front. We need to define criteria to ID who or what is a Nazi these days.
Reason being is there are many so called Christian churches that have departed from Christian Scripture. In essence it means there are some "Christian" churches that ignore, omit, reject or rewrite the Word of God.
They're claiming to be Christian but they clearly are not.
Same thing happens with the word "Nazi".
Some left leaning folk use it as a slur against people of differing views and some extremist folk embrace the description...but are they really Nazis at all?
Some might be but some definitely are not.|
For example, some outlaw gangs embrace the Nazi symbols. Mongrel Mob in NZ do, yet they're definitely not white blood that the depraved Nazi dogma of WW2 wanted kept pure. In a parallel universe where the Nazis won WW2 and ruled the planet the Maori gang members would not find any sanctuary with the 3rd Reich. They more likely would be put to work or put to death. I assume they picked up on the symbolism to further frighten the horses & be as subversive as possible.
The are organised crime gangs, possibly very brutal but not actually Nazis
What about KKK are they Nazis? Well they're definitely a depraved dogma but some of that they point to the Bible as justification even though the Bible does not point any reason to hate people of a different language, race or faith. In fact it implodes for them badly in so far as Christ Himself is very much opposed to hate of one's fellow man of ANY race.
Weirdest irony is KKK are very against what they think are foreign races, black, Asian, Mexican and even Jewish people and Jesus Himself was of course, a Jew.
KKK are probably just race extremists primarily and secondarily of a Nationalist bent but not NAZIs
Why is a Nationalist not a Nazi? Well in short, there's a number of Nationalists who were not NAZIs such as Roosevelt, Churchill and the list goes on for miles. Was Hitler a Nationalist? Yes, he was but he was National Socialist, that's what NAZI actually means.
He was Nationalist in that it was Germany all the way, even when he annexed nearby countries, it was Germany who was the Fatherland. Nationalist all the way. Sadly he was so Nationalist he wanted to seek world domination.
That's the first half of National Socialist, what about the 2nd half?
He was very much a type of socialist in that it was Totalitarian, where the State owns everything, everything is the State and there is nothing outside the state and everything within the state is controlled & directed by the State.
Nazis were in fact a form of Socialism that's called Fascist.
Anyone thought to be overly right wing or severely racist is regarded and called out as Nazis or Fascists. Oddly more often its left or extreme left wing like Antifa that tend to define who is a Nazi and/or Fascist.
Nazis & Fascist were not in favour of capitalist economy, they are solely set on total state control of everything. This is every thing the right leaning people of this planet are actually against.
For Trump (and I'm not defending or aligning with Trump) to be a Nazi &/or a Fascist he merely has to be in charge and rich. Oddly he's conservative not socialist. So pretty hard to a Nazi (National socialist) if you're not a socialist/fascist. He is Nationalist, but many people are.
Add to this many say Fascists & Fascism cannot be of the left, that ultra right wing.
It isn't, research it.
The philosophical founder of Fascism was in fact the Italian socialist philosopher Giovanni Gentile who really is consider the father of Fascism and indeed he believed fascism was the ultimate form of socialism.
Sadly terms like Nazi & Fascist have turned into slanging terms & demeaning labels just as "troll" has. It can be used effectively even if its patently false.
The so called Ultra Right aren't very conservative at all. Quite often they're race extremists, but they're not actually Nazis but sadly they decide to connect with Nazi history possibly because of the brutal genocide dished out to non Caucasian races. I don't think the Ultra Right, the neo-Nazis, white supremacist groups are left or right wing...I thing they're racist thugs, they're not all conservatives or left wingers.
To be a fascist a person would have to be a nationalist socialist.
There's more of those traits in the left extremist camps.
Sad irony is the fact that Fascism is of the left, not the right. Nazi-ism is of the deranged & perverse Left extremism.
Amazing how many people are fooled into thinking Fascism is of the left.
20 minutes of research into Gentile and his teachings will spell this out clearly & precisely...only rejected by ignorant and committed left.
So, how to deal with modern day Nazis? Out debate them...and the mega racist extremists of any stripe, but its actually more accurate to call a leftist a fascist.