Really it should be easy. There's a reference document, go there and read then quote but the trouble is reading & quoting without proper study & understanding will trip both sides up very quickly.
I notice in the recent SSM argument it gets similarly messy and the thing both sides need to employ when using Scripture is "proper in context exegesis", or in other words, saying what it says in the way that it means what its supposed to mean. Fact is, anyone can twist Scripture to mean something outside its intent. Need examples just go look at the famous and incredibly rich TV Evangelists. Sorry but there's nothing that says a person is to become a pastor in order to amass an obscene amount of personal wealth from the congregation.
Here's a snippet from a Twitter stoush which was over Fr Rod Bower's comment that "Dutton is a Sodomite"
So its Twitter, there's a handful of characters available to rail against one another, hard to get much meat out of a stoush on Twitter at the best of times but there's 2 faults here. Yes the drawing has what appears to be 2 male lions entering an ark, lost point the pair of deer in front are the same gender too if you know your deer...but no that's not it. Point one, its not from the Bible, the 40 authors who wrote the 66 books did not have an illustrator. It is what it is, its a sloppy and lazy cheap shot. It happens, it is what it is...irrelevant to the debate but that's life.
The big point the tweeter made was about people wearing clothes made of 2 different fibres. Now that's been put up to show the absurdity of Christians today who want SSM disallowed & still oppose homosexual relations yet they don't wear clothes of one fibre. Its to highlight that Christians are hypocrites and therefore you can dismiss everything from them.
Now there's a couple of answers here..."Father" Rod Bowers presumably wears clothes of 2 fibres so with that logic he's a hypocrite to the atheist protesting and therefore we should dismiss everything he says too stands to reason. But that doesn't happen because the atheist in this case is employing an intellectually bankrupt technique that Edward De Bono referred to as "arrogance arguing" where you never ever make a point that your opposition hasn't seen which could diminish your own argument. Its one of the many barriers to finding the best result for fairness...its also why I'm not a total fan of debating in school.
Thing is the 2 fibres thing is a part of Mosaic Law.
The temple was destroyed in 70AD so Mosiac Law cannot be practiced anymore, indeed Christ said he came to fulfil the law so Mosaic Law is gone. Add to that, it only ever applied to the Hebrews of Pre 70AD. In the days prior there were plenty of Gentiles or non Jews worshipping the same God as the Jews, yes even in the Temple of Jerusalem but only certain things applied to them and they actually had restrictions and could not go past the "Court of the Gentiles". In any case Mosaic Law did not apply to them. Add to that no one in that time who could keep the Mosaic Law was sin free...otherwise they would not have to have a blood sacrifice in the temple would they? Indeed the purpose of Mosaic Law was to show the Law couldn't save you, only a blood sacrifice could and it was a foreshadow of the real blood sacrifice of a "kinsman redeemer" to come (also foreshadowed in the Book of Ruth) who we know today as Jesus.
So with Christ's coming and crucifixion the Law & indeed the sacrifices practiced at the temple were fulfilled & done. So too Mosaic Law was fulfilled and can't really be followed by Jews today if they read & realised.
Then there's another lost point, Rod Bowers calls himself "Father" and the Scriptures are pretty clear on never call anyone in regards to faith "Father" except God the Father. That and a number of other (non Mosaic Law) passages point out the qualifications for the office of pastor.
Rod fails.
So there are some athiests who don't believe in the Christian God, who use Scripture they don't believe in, entirely the wrong way to argue again, against the God they don't believe in as a form of support for a "pastor" who isn't technically qualified to be in the job...that is the job he doesn't do properly.
Rod Bowers job is (among other things) is to go out into the world and make disciples of people. That's what Scripture says. He's supposed to be Berean like using the Scripture properly as it is intended...he doesn't. He's supposed to help people see & understand and get them to choose to repent and turn away from their sins and accept Christ as Scripture very very clearly instructs.
He doesn't. What he does is reduce the number of sins, draw close to Islam which is a completely different God that opposes Christian Scripture completely all to allow more people to come into his doors. He's singing from a hymn sheet that scratches itching ears but has no depth nor truth.
As a result he becomes the faux "Christian" priest that's acceptable to atheists and he deliberately twists or omits Scripture to allow sinners of different stripes to continue their sins that are clearly labelled as sins in the Bible.
Its not long and his supporters pull this often repeated beauty. Its meant as an outflanking argument for Christians who follow Christ's Word.
Here's the angle employed. The idea is get the Christian to quote exactly where Christ Himself said something against homosexuality. They are keen to cite Christ's Word on Love forgiveness, Love Thy Neighbour etc...
The idea is to show Christ is all about Love and Never Ever was against homosexuality.
Here's where it crumbles and it centres on the Atheist again wrongly using the Scripture they don't believe in to try & outfox the God they don't follow & gazump the believer they don't like so as to make anything they want to do acceptable. Its as odd as a $3 note and it implodes quickly or rather would if BOTH sides of the debate knew & understood the Bible properly. They often don't so its a stand off.
Here's the thing, both sides could do a proper in context exegesis of Scripture and find the Words of the Gospel are God breathed. It says that in no uncertain terms. Therefore what John, Peter, Mark, Luke, Paul are saying is actually the Word of God. And who does the Bible say the Word is? Christ.
So when Paul goes on about the practice of homosexuality being sin etc its not his opinion. Its the Word of Christ. Its what Christ said...and its pretty clear.
And the reply to that will be silence or mockery.
You don't have to believe in the Word of the Bible and most people won't believe it but if you're going to use it, you should use it properly. Its not easy though and it takes some effort of perhaps some guidance but Scripture says you're to be Berean like, listen to what the pastor says then "search the Scriptures daily to see if it is so"
So in other words...go to the Reference Document and use proper in context exegesis...maybe you're twisting it falsely. If you don't read & digest it properly as it's meant to be then you've made up your own mind to go pre-suppositional. You've attained a stance without research.
To do that you need to be very determined in your stance despite no research & realise the atheist relies on their faith.
It's at this point you have to admit it takes lots more faith to be an atheist.