The dust is still settling on the WA State Election and a Federal Liberal is calling for WA Nationals to join in coalition with the Liberals in a less "frustrating" way. Or with that decoded, the Nats need to bring in strong reforms so they can sign up and become far more compliant to Liberal Party wishes, values ideologies and policies. Well, fair cop, that's how it looks.
In short, become proxy Liberals, 2nd class ones who follow the wishes of the empire but whilst having a little seat in the room they don't really have a proper role at Caesar's table.
“When you vote for the WA National Party you can never be sure that you’re voting for the formation of a Liberal government or a Labor-led government,” he said yesterday.
Curious comment as its a long time since Brendon Grylls sat on the fence and considered a partnership deal with both Liberal & Labor. I suspect Labor thought there was a slim chance of making huge history but thought it was pretty tiny. Since then Mr Morton, WALabor have made it very clear and very loud, there will never be a coalition of Labor & the Nats.
Catch up Ben.
Of course, Ben probably has a few attitudes deeply rooted in the eastern states example where some Nats are steadfast Nationals but others are virtually defacto Liberal faction members. As a result its seen a growing Nats backlash in some areas on the eastern seaboard. We see splinter break away groups like CountryMinded, Australian Country Party as well as more support drifting over to PHON & the SFFP.
We only have to point to the MASSIVE belting that the SFFP delivered to the Nats in the Orange by-election.
The downside is those Eastern States Nats MPs that are of good rank & standing are going to find the earth eroding underneath them, not due to their performance, but due to the ham stringing they'll have as pretend Nats increase in numbers.
Here in WA, you can probably expect the PHON to be largely Liberal aligned. The SFFP more often than not will be too. So what's Ben crowing about the Nats needing reform now?
Most likely the Nats, who faired a lot better in the single biggest backlash against conservative politics for a long time are least likely to comply with the wishes of the Liberal Empire as it tries to rebuild the rubble.
Despite that, when you get delivered to the opposition benches, its fair to say that THAT is the time when a party will review and possibly reform. Its almost like Ben Morton, the Federal Liberal MP is trying to set the reform agenda of a different party that sits in a different parliament than him.
Its as odd as it is curious.
Ironically it'd be better for the country if the Eastern States Nationals took a leaf out of the WANats book and that Ben took a leaf out of Tony Crook's book when he first joined federal parliament. Tony isn't in Canberra anymore, yet we can look at his effort on GST for WA.
Ben Morton...yeah not so much. He, Julie Bishop, Michaelia Cash, Matthias Cormann, Christian Porter, Rick Wilson and others...all absent from the GST discussion, all absent from the discussion of what's best from WA. Most are absent from WA and one is more often than not absent from the country, but that's another story.
So its a little rich for Ben Morton to point fingers and issue decrees.
In the smouldering shadows of the WA State Election Result its likely, now more than ever that the WA Nationals are likely to review everything and see what needs keeping untouched, what needs tweaking, what needs serious reform and what needs dropping or picking up. Its a part of prudent, diligent process driven recalibration of the compass. Maybe few or even nothing gets changed, but thing is if anyone sets the strategic direction of WANats it will be the WANats. I can only assume Ben is trying to send those he thinks are partial Liberals in the Nats that they need to come more alongside...and they need to bring the whole party with them.
My guess, good luck with that.
“I like the Nationals that we work with here in Canberra and my frustration is that I’d like the WA Nationals to learn from the Federal Nationals and perhaps this is a lesson to us all looking forward to the next election, we need to move much closer away from the alliance and towards a coalition. I think it’s more in the National Party’s interest to have a look at a coalition arrangement with the Liberals, because of the lessons they’ve learnt in relation to the electoral figures that have come out.”
Of course you would Ben, there are some senior Nats in Canberra who need to have a good look at themselves and assess if they're Liberal or National. It was a huge backlash against the Conservatives yet in the scheme of things the Nationals didn't suffer anywhere near the devastation that the Liberals did, even despite being part of the Liberal Government for 2 terms.
Of course you would Ben, there are some senior Nats in Canberra who need to have a good look at themselves and assess if they're Liberal or National. It was a huge backlash against the Conservatives yet in the scheme of things the Nationals didn't suffer anywhere near the devastation that the Liberals did, even despite being part of the Liberal Government for 2 terms.
Nationals WA president James Hayward said there would most likely be a relationship between the two parties but disputed a formal coalition agreement was the best idea.
“There is scope for some more constructive chats between us and the Liberals,” he said.
“There will be a time where we can co-reflect on what’s happened in the past and work out how we can be best organised into the future.
“There is no doubt that into the future there will need to be a more co-operative arrangement with the Liberal Party.”
James Hayward's comments in comparison show sense & highlight a lack of measured sense of reality in Ben's comments. I imagine James was probably wondering why Mr Morton's comments came 3 years early or even at all. Quite a comparison, very stark.
Liberal leader Mike Nahan said the two parties would let the dust settle before having conversations.
James Hayward's comments in comparison show sense & highlight a lack of measured sense of reality in Ben's comments. I imagine James was probably wondering why Mr Morton's comments came 3 years early or even at all. Quite a comparison, very stark.
Liberal leader Mike Nahan said the two parties would let the dust settle before having conversations.
Yeah except Ben's telling you to get it sorted Mr Nahan. Odd curious. Nope bizarre has to be stapled firmly to Ben Morton's comments & their timing.
“I am sure that we will be able to coalesce in the future into an alternative government,” Dr Nahan said. “Right now we’re independent parties, we have a lot of work to do. They took a hit, lost two people, we took a hit, we lost more than that.”
“I am sure that we will be able to coalesce in the future into an alternative government,” Dr Nahan said. “Right now we’re independent parties, we have a lot of work to do. They took a hit, lost two people, we took a hit, we lost more than that.”
Dr Nahan flagged that the Nationals’ proposed mining tax would prove to be a barrier in negotiations.
Ben, these sensible comments could be filed under "Bleeding Obvious" or "Ben's To Be Read" file perhaps. Either way Ben's missed the mark and the timing.
There's interest in that which Ben also did not say. No mention on SFFP or PHON.
For the Nationals, now would be the prudent, diligent time to look inwardly and review anything and everything to see what needs changing, what needs dropping or picking up. Now is the time they'll recalibrate their strategic compass. If they're to do that at all. It may be they decide to hold the steady course on many things and tweak very little.
Why, because if you want a better outcome you need a ongoing attitude of Plan - Act - Review for continued ongoing improvement.
There's many options in front of the Nationals, hopefully reviewing everything is on the table and checking assessing widely is the set aim. That doesn't translate to wholesale gut wrenching and sinew tearing reform, but it must be a full integrated plan whatever it is and it won't need to take into account Ben Morton's wishes.
Perhaps that why Ben's fired off now, perhaps the Nats are expected to at least review everything and he's sending a message to hopefully influence the Nats to the Liberal lines.
Think there's been far too much over reach these last few years.
Adler Shotgun was Federal Over Reach.
The State election had Sovereign Over Reach where foreign wealthy corporations sought to influence who did & didn't get into OUR STATE PARLIAMENT.
Now, Ben's embarking on an effort but because he's really just one person's view, centred more on eastern States view its just a fairly failed & flawed idea he can Over Reach.
Time'll tell. I expect the WANats will run their own race, check their own powder and chart their own course in the best interests of WA. Hope & expectations...I often confuse them but Ben's a lone crazy voice I feel confident. ;-)
Ben, these sensible comments could be filed under "Bleeding Obvious" or "Ben's To Be Read" file perhaps. Either way Ben's missed the mark and the timing.
There's interest in that which Ben also did not say. No mention on SFFP or PHON.
For the Nationals, now would be the prudent, diligent time to look inwardly and review anything and everything to see what needs changing, what needs dropping or picking up. Now is the time they'll recalibrate their strategic compass. If they're to do that at all. It may be they decide to hold the steady course on many things and tweak very little.
Why, because if you want a better outcome you need a ongoing attitude of Plan - Act - Review for continued ongoing improvement.
There's many options in front of the Nationals, hopefully reviewing everything is on the table and checking assessing widely is the set aim. That doesn't translate to wholesale gut wrenching and sinew tearing reform, but it must be a full integrated plan whatever it is and it won't need to take into account Ben Morton's wishes.
Perhaps that why Ben's fired off now, perhaps the Nats are expected to at least review everything and he's sending a message to hopefully influence the Nats to the Liberal lines.
Think there's been far too much over reach these last few years.
Adler Shotgun was Federal Over Reach.
The State election had Sovereign Over Reach where foreign wealthy corporations sought to influence who did & didn't get into OUR STATE PARLIAMENT.
Now, Ben's embarking on an effort but because he's really just one person's view, centred more on eastern States view its just a fairly failed & flawed idea he can Over Reach.
Time'll tell. I expect the WANats will run their own race, check their own powder and chart their own course in the best interests of WA. Hope & expectations...I often confuse them but Ben's a lone crazy voice I feel confident. ;-)