Over on Facebook there's a dedicated community page titled "I Love Animals But Hate Animal Rights Activists" (you can find it at https://www.facebook.com/ILAHARA?fref=nf )
Its a page worthy of your attention because it will cause you to stop and think seriously about what is being said by radical animal rights extremists. Basically they come across all manner of absurd claims, comments & attacks from Animal Rights Activists usually fired against sensible, free thinking people.
This latest one the page highlighted below is a classic in the genre of profoundly vague thought bubble doctrine of the weirder sects of the animal cult. Sometimes I wonder are their comments out-loud-words as they think out ways to arrive at an idea or a way of legitimising what's really some very perverted cult talk. Have a look see and don't be afraid to read it 3 or 4 times slowly before reading further down the page. Chances are the more you read, the more you'll discover or worry. You're not going to re-read it and find yourself relaxed at their position.
"It’s easy to no longer use animals - once we go from disconnect in our heart, to connect…and remember what our spirit has always known: that we didn’t come into this life in bodies that require us to harm any other sentient being in order to live… or to thrive. Once awakened, we make a quantum leap, with no going back, and no desire to go back."
Let's break it down into sections...
"It’s easy to no longer use animals -" No problem there, go about your life as you deem appropriate. Although there is the pesky qualifier here, exactly what does no animal use look like? You live in a cave with no medical help and have a garden where no member of the animal kingdom is used?
No vaccinations I hope.
"...once we go from disconnect in our heart, to connect"Ahh there's a cord from our cardio-vascular system to what exactly? Oh you mean a connection of compassion, endearment etc? Interesting concept, one that's one of the many philosophical strains that have developed by academia and not-so academia to further get us away from theism and in a lot of cases get people well away from Christianity.
If you're theist, that is you believe in God the creator then God (insert which ever one you actually follow) is probably not a vegetarian or vegan god. Rather he or she created animals, plants, chemicals, vapour, water, gas, plasma, rocks and minerals...well everything.
There is no theist system where veganism is the only way, although there's a couple that do go close and skirt the non use of animals thing. However, you'll find your garden variety animal extremist may well borrow aspects of that religion, they will however NOT be full & faithful followers of that religion, like branches of Hinduism, because they have pesky and painful other aspects like vows of poverty. Instead if they do believe in any god it will be a bought product from the IKEA-Theology where you Build-Your-Own Deity for a rock bottom price of $44.95 plus shipping and handling.
They cannot properly belong to a theist religion because things they profess to promote start imploding like a rat plague spreading over a minefield. Better to use extremely vague conceptual words and phrases like "connect, disconnect, heart" - Fooled yet?
"and remember what our spirit has always known:"
Ahh you have a spirit that is separate from your mind? Yep that's a way aways from most theist religions for sure. Your spirit knows, but you haven't. Of course what happens when two people with their own spirits have views that are diametrically opposed? Not just them the person, their "spirits" know and believe in totally opposing things? What happens?
Well the one that's right is...wait hang on!!! "Remember"??? So we know what our "spirit" has always known. This "spirit" that has always known stuff remains very very vague and deliberately distant and conceptual, it also tends to cop a passing mention before the thought bubble can be examined and so easily found wanting.
"...that we didn’t come into this life in bodies that require us to harm any other sentient being in order to live… or to thrive."
Ahhh said who? This life instructional claim did come from somewhere, from someone. Who? Was it a transcendent law giver, a creator, a God, a deity, the origin of the one true Theism? If so who?
If it came from a human, who was it, when and what exactly qualifies them to give such instruction?
Is he/she a prophet of a particular brand of theism and they were just delivering the words of the almighty? If so, which god is this because at present using the Bible, its not currently possible to receive a direct revelation from God so its not that deity so which on is it? Now that's just the "who's the origin" question which splits the source into deity or human being. If its a human being and there is no deity at all, why on earth would or indeed should we take any notice at all. If we're all just animals and results of evolution, natural selection and plain old quirky, mad nature operating with nothing more than pure luck and chance why at all are these premises somehow binding? It's like peeling an onion, you can stop and say "Says who?" or you can go layer after layer after layer and find the deeper you go, the more problem the premise has when its opened up and we go deeper. It just gets more and more nonsensical the further you go. It never ever gets more simple...as youd expect.
"Once awakened, we make a quantum leap, with no going back, and no desire to go back"
Possibly this is the case because if you take a cursory glance, fight the urge to stop, think and question more deeply you will remained completely fooled. I find it odd, as odd as odd gets, that a person makes a determination yet they do not fully or properly understand, nor have questioned that which they ardently believe and fight for.
It is verbose poetry, that is a noble premise which implodes upon itself when more closely questioned. Guess what, it fools many people fully & completely. Watch a shampoo advert or a face cream or other beaut product advert. It doesn't moisturise hair, does not add body, does not make you younger. In physics and any other field, its just not possible. However it still sells and no one fully challenges the advertising companies that spin vague webs that trap people.
Parallel much?
Here's another...
“In order to shift to a compassionate vegan ethic, we need to establish caring as a mode of living. We need to make people feel safer caring. Compassion is very female, feminine. It’s not safe for us to be compassionate. We are called ‘baby,’ told to ‘grow up,’ we are feminized. How can we reclaim the ethic, which is female-identified, while putting down women?”
Your turn, look closely, break it down into bite size bits, chew vigorously and ruminate on it. Yes, its bitter pockets of hot vacuous air. Signifying nothing. You bet its fooled people.