Duck Season in Victoria opened this week and as I should of expect the Veganazis came out in force.
Animal Liberation Victoria stepped up to the plate, commented on the FartBook page and roused the fools to slaughter. It started with their clever campaign pictured below, well cunning not clever because anyone clever would do their homework.
Reoccurring themes were hunters were blood thirsty, it was blood lust, that hunters had small genitals, it's immoral entertainment, un-necessary, hunters are psychopaths just dying to kill small defenceless birds of flight. Then questions were asked, simpleton talk like "what if that was happening to you?"
But really what are some genuine facts.
Lets go through them in order but firstly, what is duck season?
Well despite what some might like to infer or suggest, its not put on to help entertain recreational hunters. Duck Season is a partial cull of a fast moving migratory waterfowl who's numbers have got so great, they're unsustainable. A Duck Season is part of an Integrated Land Management Plan to avoid boom/bust population swings as many of us have seen since the 1960s with emus in regional Australia. Numbers go through the roof to plague proportions then numbers plummet due to starvation. A partial cull at the right time can avoid the un-necessary cruel end.
So the accusations, how do they stack?
1) "Hunters are blood thirsty"
- Well yet to see a blood thirsty hunter. If someone hungers for blood and killing I'd kinda expect them to do so somewhere on some species without waiting for annual Duck Season. Emotive generalisation without proper proof or validity.
2) " was blood lust""
- Same as above...Emotive generalisation without proper proof or validity.
3) "...that hunters had small genitals"
- Why is that even brought up? Seems that guns ownership points to unmanly men taking up phallic symbols to compensate for issues with the wedding tackle. Which if it isn't ridiculous already, there's a bunch of recreational hunters who are women wondering how that odd psyche assessment applies to them. Thankfully they think its as weird as weird gets as do most reasonable people. Pretty sure its just an attempt at insulting the person to compensate for lack of facts or valid position.
4) " is immoral entertainment"
- Last bit first, Duck Season is a part of an Integrated Land Management Plan to partially cull a very fast, migratory water fowl back to ecologically sustainable numbers. It is not put on to solely allow hunters to kill for fun. Its sustainable management to avoid ecological imbalance. Hunters are just the mechanism to achieve that aim because they're not only effective, they're highly cost effective, they actually pay money to do the job for the government department that helps nature conservation. Unless Veganarchists can talk ducks into not breeding we're in for problems. Baiting doesn't work, trapping will not work. Shooting does.
-Second bit... "immoral". Well again to class something immoral, you're making a moral judgment. You cannot make a moral judgement without citing a moral code or a moral law giver. I have a Christian Worldview and the Bible has no comments at all about hunting and eating meat being an immoral act. If a person can cite the moral grounds I'd be grateful. Now if a person is queezey and cannot stomach it, that's fine. I get that. But you should not translate a stomach upset or nausea with a moral compass.
5) "..un-necessary"
- Well impossible to make that judgement without looking at the source documents that allow a DUCK SEASON to be opened. The Integrated Land Management Plan. Some states haven't had duck season for a while now...because the science and the numbers do not warrant it at present. What do the Victorian authorities say about duck numbers? Well don't ask the activists, they don't know, they haven't asked and they don't care.
6) "hunters are psychopaths just dying to kill small defenceless birds of flight"
- Psychopaths? What, a serious mental health determination with no professionals giving personal mental assessment? Invalid emotional rant...again
Dying to kill small defenceless birds of flight? Ahhh well if one is an avid recreational hunter, then yes they might well be very keen to go get involved in DUCK SEASON. They have forked out good money, its tightly managed and regulated and there's big fines for illegal hunting. You bet those with licences will be keen to get their money's worth within the bag limit.
Now that's probably as deep as you need go, but every now and then someone goes all out dumb a**
One incredible individual for going all out in the dumber than dumber stakes.
This poor lass said, and yep we not only quote, we cut n paste so its exactly her words...
"My understanding is that meat only started being consumed out of pure survival during the ice age as plants obviously didn't grow. We're not in the ice age now and our health stats should be enough cause for concern..."
Now had I thought long and hard about this...if I had seriously thought about it, I would have asked the following...
a) Did all animals go from vegan to omnivore/carnivore?
b) What about lions, cheetahs, dogs, eagles and all other current day predators were they all vegans then with ice age and lack of plant growth they changed?
c) How long does your understanding tell you the said Ice Age go for, because as flawed as Evolution Theory goes its not evolution, its natural selection because timeframe is so short...or if not, what?
But I never got that far. Despite the hundreds of questions that "understanding" causes I never got past one difficult point. If the Ice Age caused a serious survival situation due to "fact" that "plants obviously didn't grow" what did all the omnivores eat? I mean the definite herbivores of today...some birds, cattle, horses, sheep, squirrels, hamsters, guinea pigs, antelopes, deer, goats, giraffes, etc etc. They must have gone meat eating and then switched back and stayed herbivore right up til now yeah? Or...
Yep my question was if "plants obviously didn't grow" what did the animals eat?
Silence was the stern reply. It was at this point I could see valid reasoning in some hunter supporters quoting one of the characters from the film Tropic Thunder "Never go full retard"
Too late she did.
Never ever mistake "My understanding is that..." for a proven fact or generally accepted normality.
Yep, the Veganarchists will swamp the duck shoot protest thing.
They're not about ecology, sustainable environment, conservation work. Nothing.
They want Animal Liberation, where all animals are untouched by us, where all species come together and hum Koom-by-Yah whilst we all peacefully graze on grass and tree leaves, a beautiful place where the unicorns run free. A strange place where the vegan does not walk everywhere, does not eat only what they grow themselves, or where their clothes shoes, watch, mobile phone, computer don't come from overseas sweat shops and their electricity, lights, power, water, heating all come from fairies.
"Everybody know you never go full retard". Too late for some.