Some will get offended by it sure does look like sectors of the Ban Live Export brigade are full on Vegan Cult Members. Its not so much about the trade as its about meat. Respect their view, defend their right to their view, but gotta say its more odd than a $3 note and makes a whole mess of no sense.
Coupla facts here.
India - biggest Vegetarian/Vegan nation in the world. Vegetarian/Vegans there said to be between 20 and 40% of the population. Biggest cause of death in India is heart disease. Average life expectancy is 66 years of age.
America - Big meat and junk food eater. Vegetarian/Vegans thought to be between 5 and 7% of the population. Biggest cause of death in the USA is heart disease. Average life expectancy 79 years of age.
Assess and decide whatever you like for yourself. One thing for sure, large percentage of the Vegan cult are animal rights/liberationists.
The main arguments against meat as food are...its not necessary, its unhealthy, its immoral or its wrong to remove the rights of other sentient beings.
- Not Necessary - Ahh coffee shops aren't necessary, nor are art galleries, music festivals but we have them. Remove one supposed non essential, remove them all. We don't need buskers, artists, electric windows on cars, so shutting down un-necessary things is a total face plant. "Not Necessary" is not a valid reason at all. I think it needs dismissing completely
- Its Unhealthy - Ahh wait might want to check the India vs USA facts above. There is no reason to be on a gluten free diet unless you're say a person with Celiac. There is no medical reason to change to veganism. Its just not necessary...and keeping in mind its not necessary the vegan does not have to cut meat out because to do so is "not necessary". Yep that's right veganism on a health level isn't necessary so they need to adhere to their own rules of engagement & stop veganism yeah ? REAL FACTS ARE, a healthy balanced diet with regular exercise is healthy, more so if you're not over eating. Some of the white noise from vegans including the UK Bus advert, infers that if you eat meat you'll be fat and overweight. However its possible to be avoid being fat, over weight and healthy on a good balanced diet with good regular exercise. Veganism is not the only answer. First vegan I met had bleeding gums, put me off. I think the "It's Unhealthy" needs dismissing completely too.
- It's Immoral - Stop the vegan claimant dead in their tracks over this BS. Moral/Immoral implies straight away that a Moral Law has been broken. You cannot have a Moral Law without a Moral Lawgiver...end of story. Find out which God/diety it is they suggest we should all be operating under. Christian Scripture, that is Old Testament/New Testament, the Jewish Torah all allow the eating of meat no worries, so to does the Quran. So unless they know your religion better than you do and can prove your Immorality, well its a bluff and lie and a big old fat wheelbarrow full of lawn fertiliser. DO NOT BE FOOLED "Immoral" is not on the menu with or without meat. Seriously we can go deeper into this from a lot of other perspectives and the same result. Eating meat is neither Moral or Immoral. It is AMORAL. Here's where & how they'll try to take you to their "Moral Judgement" that condemns you, without actually using any religion or Moral Lawgiver to cite from. They'll tell you that Morals are innate within the human mind and shaped by society. Or they have evolved over time to become what we know is a moral right and a moral wrong, its a society protector thanks to Darwinian evolution. - - - ARGHHH STOP!!!!
That's rubbish too. Firstly on the society decides what's moral angle, to my knowledge Australian society is made up of a lot of different people. Only around 5% are vegetarian/vegan which tells tell me around 95% of society has already decided something entirely different than vegan cultists. Now if they then shape shift over to using Darwinian Evolution, its again fail. There has never EVER been a scientific study ANY TIME, ANYWHERE on morals being empirically proven to have been a result of evolution. If they dump religion and scripture and high tail it to "science" make sure they cite the empirical double blind experiment or study that proves their point.
You know it gets very humourous when you get amongst those vegetarians who find the vegan cult activists very unwelcome & nutty. In any case, good new is I get to reject their BS. So should you. Yep, again, their "moral" angle needs dismissing completely too. - It's Wrong to remove the rights of sentient beings - If you found the above helpful, you'll find this eye opening and possibly pretty humourous. They state that a sentient being is an animal that lives and breathes, has feelings, consciousness, awareness and most likely emotions. Feelings? Consciousness? Awareness ? Yep still no issue and although those three are probably a given (even to a dumb ol' ploughboy like me) I'd possibly not discount the yet to be proven emotions. Repeat yet to be proven, but even if emotions are proven, next question from me would "So?"
Somehow, maybe by using some inexplicable teleporting of logic that by passes all reasoning, the "inferred rights" just popped into being out of nothing.
WARNING - Impending house of cards collapse.
Inferred by who? We need to know when & how these popped into existence.
Inferred when exactly? I can follow the past philosophers back to ancient Greece, more recent Eastern religions and some Western Philosophers over the last 200 years, but what about before them? Pretty odd.
Humans are sentient beings as are sheep. Somehow, not yet explained the inferred rights to life apply to the sheep we wish to kill and eat and therefore we need to stop so we don't break a moral law inferred on other sentient sheep.
So what happens to the lion and the antelope? Well apparently that's "just nature doing what nature does, we've evolved to know better". Strangely only 5% of Australia is of higher evolution apparently. If that is correct and we take it on its word, then the Inferred Rights stopping us from killing a fellow sentient being (of a different species) only apply to those who have evolved which is vegetarians and vegans but the other 95% of Australia haven't evolved so they don't apply. Simple, easy.
AND/OR...How come if the premise is correct and we take it on its word does it work when its human eating sheep and not when lion eats sheep? If we're all sentient beings with equal rights then either the lion is committing murder and should be prevented from eating ANY meat.
How come the rights apply to any sentient being we humans wish to eat and not to any non human species wishing to eat any other non human species? They also don't seem to apply to a non human sentient being eating a human. The inferred rights that came from no one in particular at a completely unknown time for a completely unknowable reason apply only to prevent humans eating a different species. Its based on species this law. It make none the food of man but free to eat man and any other species. That's got to be a form of SPECIES-ISM ironically.
Scratch deeper, let the light in. You'll see some positions will sizzle, pop and burn into vapour with trusty sunlight.
Take home message - Sentient beings may exist, but no rights exist under theism (belief in God) or Darwinian type belief. No one has delivered them. The so called rights of the sentient being only prevent humans from eating animal meat, not any other animals at all. It can't be evolution because only 5% of the population adheres to it.
Let me repeat, scratch deeper, let the light in. You'll see some positions will sizzle, pop and burn into vapour with trusty sunlight.